Monday, January 14, 2013

Miracle Uric Acid Block

I have an uncle whom I saw suffering from severe arthritis for several years.  Due to his ailment, it was hard for him to move around and use his hands.  Most of the time you would see his hand swell that it looked like a boxing glove.  The pain was too much that he would wish he could just die.  We tried to get him medicines and some herbal supplements too.  However, it would just give him little relief and would wear off after a short time.  We had to research on something better or maybe stronger.

It is such a blessing that a Hongkong company, K.C. Herb Product, came up with UA-Block.  The capsules lower down uric acid levels.  It targets joint inflammation, gout, and arthritis.  Amazingly, the product also helps in liver detoxification, improves blood circulation in the body and strengthens bones.  This all-natural herbal supplement is made from ginseng and other herbs.   

My uncle took 2 capsules twice a day as recommended and after two days, the pain was totally gone.  During our last visit, we saw him up on his feet and very happy.  He even boasted how well he was by playfully punching his hand on the wall.

It was such a joy to see somebody released of pain so last Christmas we gave this product to our loved ones whom we knew were suffering from this kind of nuisance.  One of them was my aunt who has been dealing with this illness for 20 years now that she used a wheelchair and even crawled in pain.  She was too grateful to have been cured as it was the first time in many years that she was able to attend mass standing.  Another was a good friend who would always complain about his “elephant feet” pestering him when his gout attacks is now enjoying eating whatever his heart desires.

If you have the same problem, hope this product solves it.  


  1. Hi!, im just one of the happy customers of UA block. In just 2 days my elbow pain was totally gone. Now im also selling UA BLOCK to help those who want to end their suffering. You can buy UA block here

    1. How do I order?? I suffer from R.A. and Fibromyelgia just entering my Early 50's.

  2. Hi!! amazing and true... I was hesitant to take it in the beginning because the pain I had was still bearable. One day I said, why not? Now I can jump out of my bed as soon as I wake up, I can wear my rubber shoes and hop on my bike or walk my puppies without feeling the pain that was slowing me down before.... I'm already 46 and I've been sharing this wonder to people who I see suffering from immobility due to inflammation, gout, etc ... I give this a three thumbs up and recommend everyone to try it...

  3. is this product FDA approved?

    1. It is not FDA approved. And Rheumatism Society of the Phils said it migh cause injury to the person. I dont know which is true now.... But i used one box and it does really take away all my joints pain like you were in 25yrs old. Can somoene tell whats the ingredients of that?

  4. I am trying to look for pharmocodynamics and the main ingredient for UA block but no website or document seems to answer those queries. This is too good to be true. The main component might be something with steroids or something regulated. so suspicious...

    1. Hi, I've been searching info about UA block and I came across your post from last year. I read something from Amazon. I was shocked to learn from a "reviewer" that it contains Prednisilone ( a steroid) and Phenylbutazone which has been banned in the US and UK because it is for animal use, especially for horses.

      According to J.N: (dated May, 2014)
      I had this product analyzed by a reputable laboratory and it has Phenylbutazone in it, which has been banned for human use by the FDA in the USA and United Kingdom.

      It also contains Prednisilone which is considered a drug and is sold in the USA by prescription only.

      Be careful. I have stopped taking this product.

    2.'re right, my doctor warned me in using this medicine because he suspect it contains STEROIDS...

  5. if you have found articles regarding UA block, please provide the link. Testimonies are nothing I need something solid and based on facts. My mom and dad just purchased these things from a home decoration store in the philippines, so I would like to check first.


  7. Buy UA Block from us! This is our website,Position,1-4,4

  8. It has very nice description.its very helpful for we have a good treatment of gout for those who suffers from gout.It removes the pain and eliminate the gout problem.Thanks for sharing.

    Gout Treatment

  9. my mother used to have gout attacks for years, she was prescribed with meds by doctors but nothing really help her. She came to a point where she can no longer walk and climb stairs...I'm not really believer of food supplements but when my mom-inlaw bought UA block and have me tried it to my mom, the effect is really good. she only have gout attacks if she forgets to take it and then eat something that is a no no for gauty patients like legumes etc.She can walk normaly and do the things she usually do when she was younger. I can say UA block is a big help for her, even my mom's friends are using it too and they also testify that it has good effect on them. The only thing that I really want to know is what are the ingredients on this UA block?? I really hope it is safe as there's no info regarding what it is made of..

    1. Hello, I was alarmed when a doctor told my aunt that UA block contains Prednisilone, a steroid and Phenylbutazone which has been banned in the US and UK because of its harmful effects to humans. It is indicated for use in animals especially horses. . So I googled UA Block but found nothing from the manufacturers. It's being sold at Amazon too. I read a comment from a "reviewer" and I'm not sure if you'd consider this reliable. According to a J.N : dated May 2014:

      I had this product analyzed by a reputable laboratory and it has Phenylbutazone in it, which has been banned for human use by the FDA in the USA and United Kingdom.

      It also contains Prednisilone which is considered a drug and is sold in the USA by prescription only.

      I hope this helps.

    2. if it is true can they show the result of fda of ua block? and why is it in the market? and as far as i know so far, there's not one complain of this product.


  11. I have been suffering from arthritis and restless leg syndrome for awhile and been prescribed with meloxicam which can cause stomach ulcer. I was also taking Celebrex when I attend parties so I can dance and wear high heel shoes. I used to fear falling down on my knees without warning. A friend gave me a bottle of UA Block and tried the capsules for a month. My knee and shoulder pains are gone, I can go up and down the stairs fast with no problem and I can now wear high heel shoes with confidence Now, I only take the capsule when needed. My husband is worried though what chemical components are in it. TO me, as long as it relieves my pain I will take it when needed. I am 67 years old.

  12. Just a share. Please refer to FDA advisory Dated June 29, 2015. FDA 2015-035. UA block is one of 10 unregistered product

  13. Fda just doesnt want people to heal from ua block thats the government...they hide the truth...i like ua block cuz it helps if u dont like cuz fda? Den dnt bother cuz this product helps big time....i bet they found the cure to cancer but they dont wanna share...thats wat dey gunna do with ua block....hide it....stupid government

    1. Yes, Its true the Government doesnt want CURE because when theres a CURE for an AILMENT then END OF BUSINESS FOR THEM!!!!

  14. Would like to try U A Block I live in Greeley Colorado USA. I have had Rheumatoid Arthritis for 10years. Uric acid runs in my family history. How do I try your product?

  15. Hello po, saan po ba tayo makabili nang totoong UAblock. Kasi, nakabili kami sa online, hndi nmn effective. Para fake yung nabili namin. Yung binilihan kasi namin noon, ayaw magsabi kong saan nya yun nabili. Kaya, ngayon na hindi na sya makabinta dahil na paralize sya, naghanap kami nang iba sa online. Pero, sad to day, wala talaga effect eh... Sana may makapagsabi kong saan talaga ito bibilhin...please po

    1. S shoppee po u mg order, effective po skn...nkakaakyat n q s hagdan,dati ngmit p q tungkod.

  16. Im from guam usa, im interested to become distributor of this med, where i can buy bulk quantity with direct price?

  17. The steroid thing is such bullshit. When you have gout pain, you can't sleep or work because of the pain. You just want to die. The benefit outweighs the cost.

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