Monday, January 14, 2013

Miracle Uric Acid Block

I have an uncle whom I saw suffering from severe arthritis for several years.  Due to his ailment, it was hard for him to move around and use his hands.  Most of the time you would see his hand swell that it looked like a boxing glove.  The pain was too much that he would wish he could just die.  We tried to get him medicines and some herbal supplements too.  However, it would just give him little relief and would wear off after a short time.  We had to research on something better or maybe stronger.

It is such a blessing that a Hongkong company, K.C. Herb Product, came up with UA-Block.  The capsules lower down uric acid levels.  It targets joint inflammation, gout, and arthritis.  Amazingly, the product also helps in liver detoxification, improves blood circulation in the body and strengthens bones.  This all-natural herbal supplement is made from ginseng and other herbs.   

My uncle took 2 capsules twice a day as recommended and after two days, the pain was totally gone.  During our last visit, we saw him up on his feet and very happy.  He even boasted how well he was by playfully punching his hand on the wall.

It was such a joy to see somebody released of pain so last Christmas we gave this product to our loved ones whom we knew were suffering from this kind of nuisance.  One of them was my aunt who has been dealing with this illness for 20 years now that she used a wheelchair and even crawled in pain.  She was too grateful to have been cured as it was the first time in many years that she was able to attend mass standing.  Another was a good friend who would always complain about his “elephant feet” pestering him when his gout attacks is now enjoying eating whatever his heart desires.

If you have the same problem, hope this product solves it.  

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